Kent County RFU
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It must be the policy of Dartfordians' RFC that all children and young people attending the club do so willingly, and that when they attend they have fun. This means we have a duty of care and a responsibility to ensure that the children are safe, well cared for and that we uphold our legal and moral responsibilities.

We are an inclusive club that will welcome boys and girls of all ages, irrespective of their background, religious group, social background and ethnicity. We aim that Rugby for them, is an enjoyable and safe experience. We will help them to develop their social skills through Rugby, and promote equality for all through sport. We will show them the importance of teamwork, recognise individual skill, applaud hard work and help them to achieve their potential. The game will be introduced to them progressively from junior tag rugby through to Colts and beyond.

We will have Coaches introducing the players to their age specific game, developing their skills and progressively developing their abilities as they age and mature. We will teach our children and young people the game as it is supposed to be played and never ????

We will introduce them to the Laws of the game as they pertain to them and insist on the highest standards of fair play and sportsmanship at all times. We will insist that they respect officials, each other and their opposition. We will never be overly critical, our aim is to teach. We recognise the need for patient and proper coaching methods

At all junior levels we will be an inclusive club that provides matches for everyone. We will recognise talent but our aim is to play all players who attend training however this will be done only when the individual child / young person is ready. Training assists in that respect and our aim is to develop all children who attend. We will not overplay children and adhere to the RFU guidelines in respect of the number of games / tournaments children and young people can play.

We are in a period of expansion at the moment and our aim is to ensure that our facilities and equipment meet the highest levels.

To summarize we aim to teach Rugby in a safe, fun environment developing the children and teaching them the values that rugby represents.


Under 7 to Under 12

Children of all ages, physical ability, size and maturity want to compete in competitive games. Rugby recognises that and has made games specifically for them. All can compete at levels that are tailor made for them.

Tag Rugby.

Initially Rugby for the very youngest at U7 and U8’s will be non contact played with tags. This will include short games played with small numbers and the priority is fun.

Mini Rugby

As they progress so does the Rugby and at U9 and U10 ages Mini Rugby is introduced with 9 a side games and tackling. This will be introduced safely and comprehensively prior to any games.

Midi Rugby

This game is played with greater numbers and moves up to 12 a side at U11’s and 13 a side at U12’s. Basic specific roles will be required at these ages (forwards and backs). Generally children gravitate to one or the other but this will be ultimately the coaches’ decision based on safety and ability

None of the above age groups play any League fixtures as this is still viewed as the development stages of the game. Dependant on ability and personal strengths children will be encouraged in more than one position to give them a better feel and understanding for the game. Boys and Girls train and play together
Fixtures and tournaments will be arranged locally with other local clubs that abide by the same regulations. The Continuum outlines the game, regulations, pitch size etc.

At these ages development is the important word and we aim to develop the children to the best of our abilities by occasionally bringing in coaches for individual, unit and team skills to improve the players’ game as much as possible. Enjoyment is everything, winning is not the objective.


Under 13 to Fewer than 16

At U13 to U16 boys and girls train and compete separately. Both play the 15 a side game with some modifications for each age group. (i.e. no lifting in the line, scrums not allowed to move more that 1.5 m’s and others.)

We still aim to develop the core skills of the game and to develop the abilities of the player’s game. Matches against other clubs are still played in accordance with the RFU Continuum and the Laws of the game will be enforced. Clubs will generally find similar strength sides to play against.


Under 17 to Under 21

In our effort to continue developing players as well as integrating them into Senior Rugby we have formed an Acadamy Section whose role it is to continue providing competitive rugby for our players as well as preparing them for life in the men’s game.
We arrange structured training sessions for all players in this section with the players and coaches of the senior club and certain players in this section will play senior rugby. This will be in adherence to RFU Policy and the IRB Laws of the Game of Rugby and at the discretion of the coaches at U17 and U18 age groups.

At U17’s and U 18’s a Kent league is joined and Dartfordians’ teams will be put into leagues playing other teams from the KENT RFU in their respective age groups. There will also be friendly fixtures arranged throughout the season.

At Under 19 Dartfordians’ will enter a team into the National Colts Cup competition and play a certain amount of friendly fixtures.

The club will arrange a number of Under 21 matches during the season to encourage those players who are at University to continue playing the game during the holiday periods.

All players at all ages will be treated fairly and equally by the coaches. The opportunity to play in competitive matches is available to all.

It is the responsibility of the coaches to ensure that every player is ready for their game and on some occasions players will not be selected until they are ready. When selecting the side safety of the individual is paramount.

The club will highlight and put forward players to compete for representative trials where the club and coaches feel it appropriate.

The safety and welfare of all players must be given the highest consideration

The RFU continuum can be found in greater detail on the Dartfordians’ website.

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