No matter what experience you may or may not have we would like for you to join our team. If you are currently school year 8 & 9 then why not come along and give it a try, be part of the fastest growing...
No matter what experience you may or may not have we would like for you to join our team. If you are currently school year 8 & 9 then why not come along and give it a try, be part of the fastest growing Junior Girls team in the area. If you are of a younger age and would like to play, then why not join one of our mixed minis team as they love to have girls in their squad.
Training is on Sundays from 12:30 - 14:30 at Dartfordians RFC
If you would like more information about playing Girls Rugby, then contact e-mail ladies-girls-chair@dartfordiansrfc.co.uk